Christmas is here....
I have a couple of things on my mind...For one....Can you believe it is DECEMBER?.?.?  I always heard when I was younger that the closer you get to 40, the faster time goes by...NO DOUBT IT'S TRUE!  (40 in 2 months!)
Every new year I get so excited and refreshed to start over..almost like a cleansing of the hectic year, and every new year I say  "Lord, I pray this one is the best one yet!" Unfortunately and fortuntely every December I think...."what a year...*sigh*"  I should write a book, no one would believe my life!!! lol Throughout the year, we've had about 150 doctor appts, countless hospital visits, gazillion homework assignments, bus/car accidents, and then if I really wanted to dig many loads of laundry would that make?, how many times did I have to say stop texting, Is your homework done?, why are the lights in every room of the house on? lol  OK nevermind, my brain would explode if I really had to dig deep. Every mother gets it, right??