Christmas is
I have a couple of things on my mind...For
one....Can you believe it is DECEMBER?.?.? I always heard when I was younger
that the closer you get to 40, the faster time goes by...NO DOUBT IT'S
Every new year I get so excited and refreshed to start
over..almost like a cleansing of the hectic year, and every new year I say
"Lord, I pray this one is the best one yet!" Unfortunately and
fortuntely every December I think...."what a year...*sigh*" I should write a
book, no one would believe my life!!! lol Throughout the year, we've had about
150 doctor appts, countless hospital visits, gazillion homework assignments,
bus/car accidents, and then if I really wanted to dig many loads of
laundry would that make?, how many times did I have to say stop texting, Is your
homework done?, why are the lights in every room of the house on? lol OK
nevermind, my brain would explode if I really had to dig deep. Every mother gets
it, right??
In the midst of the craziness of life...there were
countless blessings....some big and some so small that could've easily been
ignored... So there will be NO complaining on my part because every single
moment this year has been a gift from our Lord Jesus!
I'm not only writing to possibly be an
encouragement to others but it also helps me too. Christmas is such a hectic
time of the year. It stresses everyone out to some degree. For parents, trying
to get the christmas presents bought, the right ones, and the right amount. If
you have more than one child then you are trying to make all the gifts equal
etc. Still following me?? ( I have 3, that's my biggest challenge...making it
Christmas is also the most wonderful time of the
year....celebrating the birth of Jesus!
Unfortunately the stresses tend to become
overwhelming and the real meaning of Christmas is buried under the presents,
parties, decorations, events, and school break.
The same amount of time given to our children on
their birthday or the attention we want on ours. ;-) should be given to Him.
Spending time talking to Him, listening to Him, and thanking Him for all He does
all year long.....and thanking Him for our future that is in His
Just a thought :-)
><> Shawna
"For I know the plans that I have
for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give
you hope, and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and
I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me and when you seek me with all
of your heart"