Happy Summer Folks!
I can't believe that summer is JUST now beginning considering how hot it has been for some time.
As usual, I've been busy...won't go into details but life is just plain busy! I have to literally force myself to take a time out and enjoy the journey.
Lately, I have been reading novels instead of just Bible studies. :-) (They are still Christian novels though ;-))
I've been making an effort to meet my friends at least one night a week for a catch up, and taking the time to connect with friends and family more often even if it's just a quick text or email.
One thing that I feel happens when I'm too busy is that my prayer life and my walk suffers...
Just like a relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friends or children....you must take the time nurture those relationships by spending quality time alone with them...same goes for our walk with Jesus and our relationship with Him.
Today I received this by Rick Warren and what a great reminder of how we can keep our walk fresh and strong. I love the part about a Bible in the house is not going to bless your life, you have to have the Bible in your heart.
I have index cards in my purse and there are some scriptures that are vital for my life, that encourage me, reminds me of His love and mercy, His grace and His promises. I cannot make it each day without these reminders!
Thought that Rick Warren summed it up perfectly! Hope you find it as useful as I did.
.....til next time.....Shawna <><
The Bible says in Colossians 3:16, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you
richly” (NIV). Paul is telling us to let the Bible take up residence in our
lives in a rich, profound, and life-giving way.
So how do we feed ourselves on the Word of
God and allow that to happen?
- Receive the Word with your ears. Commit yourself to go to church and listen to God’s Word being preached.
- Read the Word with your eyes. As I said, having a Bible in your house is not going to bless your life. You have to have the Bible in your heart.
- Research the Word with your hands and mouth. When studying the Word of God, keep a pencil in your hand. Write down what God teaches. Talk about what you’re discovering with other believers in a small-group environment.
- Reflect on the Word with your mind. Think about and chew on God’s Word.
- Remember the Word with your heart. You’ll rarely have a Bible with you when you need it. Commit God’s Word to memory.