I really spent years trying to make myself acceptable to others only to find myself exhausted...worn out and disappointed. This lead me to make a "change". I thought that if I didn't have small breasts then maybe I'd be beautiful. Get the attention that would lead me to believe that I was beautiful. After nursing my 2nd baby...let's just say what little I had was gone!
Fast forward 18 years---I had lumps found and made a decision to remove the implants while they cut out a lot of my tissue. Phew. Ok, it was nothing nice! ;-). I am a few months post op and although I have my moments. I'm good! I look better than before surgery and trust me I'm not tooting my horn. I still struggle with my appearance but not like before. I want to be seen for my walk with The Lord not my breasts. I am wonderfully created (and so are you!). I need to throw away the lenses that I was looking through because they no longer work. I want to see through God's lenses....wow! If we could all see what he sees! Love who you are. Small breasts, big nose, skinny legs, scars all over your body, cellulite. Ok so I just described myself. Lol. You can make your own lists and when you feel down. Put on new glasses!!
I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord ’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:19-23 NIV)