Friday, April 11, 2014



Hi Folks!
I am reading this amazing book called ...."Living so that"

Although I have heard about grace, read about grace, I sing about grace, and know about grace. Reading this part of my book and high lighting it...underlining and re-reading it. I felt like a light bulb went off in my head.

I did NOTHING to deserve this grace and no matter what I have done wrong...I can still receive this GRACE!

So I'm picturing Jesus hanging on the cross..talking to the thief next to Him. Both are suffering and dying and Jesus says "Hey...don't worry about it. You'll be in paradise.. No you don't deserve it but I'm hanging here for you, dying for you, hurting for that you may go to Paradise" The thief....probably talking to himself.."hmmmm what is He talking about?" I don't deserve Paradise! "Ummmm hey Jesus...excuse me...but did you hear me??? I'm a thief!"...(Jesus). "Yep, I heard you..your grace is not because of anything that you've done but what I'm doing right here, right now!".. (Thief) Uh, OK, thank you....I don't feel like I deserve anything good at this point, I'm ashamed of myself...not sure why you are dying for a sinner like me."

I could go on and on with the scenerio but as I'm writing and saying the thief's part....I could add myself in there..."Ummmm Jesus! Hey, do you remember that I'm a sinner? I've done some pretty bad things in my life. I've been so shamed by much of my past! Did you remember that? This grace stuff probably shouldn't pertain to me. I mean I had a child before marriage, I've lied, I've had some pretty rough years living for myself, I've failed in relationships, I was humiliated through sexual abuse, I'm broken, I'm scarred, and I've been rejected, I mean really???? you just WANT to extend grace to ME? How can I ever deserve this grace? What would I have to do to deserve it? I can't be perfect, it's impossible!"

Oh wait......I just read about it in this book....It is a FREE gift! Grace does not depend on what we have done..Phew! Good thing for me and most likely every one of us! It's because of what God has done for us.

(Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but know I'm found, Was blind, but now I see)

Thank you Jesus!