I am not sure how to start this...I am very sad today.  I was not sure how I'd react to the anniversary of Katrina and I've stayed strong for the most part but all day I have felt a weight like never before.  Am I breaking down?  Am I finally coming to grips with this devastation or Am I just being human?
ONE year ago...I packed my stuff and my 3 childrens belongings  in a bag..clothes for 2 days..and panicked like everyone else.  I fed my animals...enough food and water for a few days...We evacuate quite often and we know about 3 days is as long as we stay gone.  I kissed the pets bye...having NO idea that a week later I'd be begging for anyone to get to our home and set them free...people were still needing to be rescued so my pets weren't on the top of the priority list. Before leaving our home, I made the beds and made sure the house was tidy..not knowing that our house would be flooded and we'd go back 2 months later to gut the house.. Our phones didn't work, we couldn't get in touch with friends/relatives and I didn't know what to tell my kids about their dad...because he stayed home.
ONE year ago...We lost our life as we knew it.  We lost regular conversations...The only thing you hear about here starts out...Before Katrina or After Katrina...that is how our lives are based on.  We share FEMA trailer stories,  What still needs to be done to our homes....and what we've been through. 
ONE year ago...I had no idea that a year from then we'd STILL be sharing one room, working harder than ever before and sometimes feeling like I'm in a dream trying to run but not getting anywhere.  The Lord has blessed me in many ways and through this storm my faith has grown tremendously stronger! Praise God! I just feel at times that the rebuilding process may never be over. 
ONE year ago...The countries worst natural disaster changed our lives forever and we are only ONE family.  I pray that everyone remembers Katrina today...The lives that were lost...The hearts that were broken..The homes that were destroyed..The people that can't get back home and the ones that have made new starts elsewhere..I know that our lives will be blessed even more in the future but it still hurts to see the city this way.. and that I feel sometimes we are a forgotten city.  With God ALL things are possible and I have to stay in His word to keep my walk strong but I had to write this because my entire life changed.....ONE YEAR AGO TODAY!!!