Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lost Values

Lost Values!
wow that has been a subject surrounding me ALL week and weekend.  First off, I have to say that I had an awesome weekend of fellowship! I have just been so blessed being around such positive influences, learning and growing in the Lord, worshiping with others, and feeling the Holy Spirit just fill the room.  Praise God!
I've been single for 8 years.  I've had many people during this time try to set me up with men saying He has great values!  Oh my...that could mean anything.   To a worldly man, HIS values are great.  To a Christian man walking with Christ, HIS values are great.  It all depends.  I am Christian woman walking with Him,  I am 36 and live a life of purity.  I will NOT have sex until I am married and although I think that is great.....many (MANY!) men do not think that it is a great value I have!  What are your values?  The Bible says.....
Follow anything that makes you want to do right!  Pursue faith and love and peace. and enjoy the companionship of those who call upon the Lord with PURE hearts. (2 Timothy 2:22)
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well  (Matt 6:33)
If you keep yourself pure, you will be a utensil God can use for His purpose. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.  (2 Timothy 2:21)
Evil desires lead to evil actions and evil actions lead to death (James 1:15)
Lord, I thank you for your unchanging love.  That you loved me when I was living a worldly life with unclean values.  I PRAISE you for your glory!  I SEEK you during those times of weakness, when the enemy tries to tempt me with worldly people and desires,  I TRUST you, that you'll never leave me or forsake me. Lord, I know that you are using me to bring others to Christ,  Lord, I know that through all of these storms that you have awesome blessings in my future.  Father,  I know that I will be rewarded for this life of purity and have eternity with you.  Lord, I lift all of those up in prayer that are stuck in worldly values,  that they may seek you and have everlasting peace and joy.  You are my light, my rock, my strength and my refuge.  In Jesus' precious name,  AMEN!!!!!!