Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lady in Waiting

My life as a single Christian woman is quite interesting so I thought I'd share.  For one thing, there is a shortage of Christian men that are single in their 30's and 40's.  So that right there causes a big problem in trying to date a Christian man.   I know many men in their 30's and 40's but most are married...I also know many men in their 30's and 40's that are single BUT they are not Christians...UGH!  I look around at Church, at events, at Christian book stores, or anywhere really and wonder....Where are the single men my age?  Don't get me wrong...I'm not desperately looking for a husband but I do know that God will have to work on this one on His own.  LOL
I have tried the whole online dating which is quite busy for non Christians...but once you get on a Christian dating's almost impossible to find someone in your area or in your state for that matter.  LOL   As you can see my chances are slimming down even more.  I have many friends that have friends that are sooooooo nice!  (famous words!) then I meet them and we are not on the same page...heck not even in the same book!  They drink, party, cuss, and so on so do you really think they'd wait til marriage for sex?   UH Nah!!!  LOL  or I get the other extreme, they are ON FIRE for the Lord!!  Their walk is strong...but they don't want to date me...Why?  well, because I have tattoos, because I've had sex before,  because I was married twice and because I already have children.... SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!  Image
Sooooooo where do I fit in?  I do not want a worldly man.  I want a Christian!  I'm not a virgin yet I am waiting til marriage..LOL  I don't want to date a 21 year old  or a 51 year I am limited here.   What's a girl to do?????    I know what I have to do....I have to wait on the Lord to send me that one He's been preparing for me ( FOR A LONG TIME TOO!!!) LOL   and know that like I have said before...I am not trying to find the right man..I want to be the right woman!!  and that developing patience is hard but getting married before God's timing is even worse!
Lady in Waiting,
Shawna   <><

Monday, October 2, 2006

My tree

Hey!!  I was busy all weekend but I figured I'd update everyone on my life.
MY TREE IS FINALLY DOWN!! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY!  WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!  This tree has been leaning on my home since Katrina.  I've been praying that it wouldn't fall.  I took this picture last week and today it is DOWN!  and NOT on my home!  PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
Friday night my son went to his FIRST DANCE!  Awwww he was so cute.  He had a date, his girlfriend who is a cheerleader at his Junior High.  It was sooooo exciting and heartbreaking at the same time!
I am totally moved into our home although there is not one room that is complete yet.  It'll take me about one more year to get situated I think.  But atleast we are in it!  YAY!!
I was very very sick last week and although I felt like I was dying...I actually didn't..LOL  Thanks for all the prayers..I am healed and feeling much better.  Praise God!  Yippie!!
I'm excited about NEXT weekend for many reasons..
ONE- My baby, youngest child, caboose, will turn 9!!  Oh my I'm old.  I will now have a 9, 11 and 16 year old!   Yep, I have gray hair already!
TWO- I am going to Hattiesburg to see THIRD DAY!!   I'm E X C I T E D!!!!   I can't wait!   They are soooooo talented!  Can you tell I'm excited about going???  I'm staying in a hotel in Hattiesburg so that I don't have to drive back late at night. 
The next day I'm going to see Chris Tomlin and the proceeds to this concert go to keeping our Christian radio station on the air!!   WOO HOO!!!  How great is our God???  I'm  not just saying that because Chris Tomlin sings it..LOL  
I'll have many more updates!!
Praising Him,      Shawna