Thursday, July 26, 2012

In my BUBBLE.....

In my bubble…..

For years I’ve struggled with my bubble. That space that is JUST mine. I don’t like for people to get close to it, step in it, or invade it. It’s an invisible boundary…that only I know where it begins and ends.

Early on I noticed this bubble. With time, it’s intensified. I get VERY uncomfortable when people get close to it. Standing in line at Wal-Mart, Someone talking too close to my face, sitting in between strangers at the DMV, Airplane, Dr’s office, and even church…yes I said Church! lol I know that may not be a very Christian lady like thing to say but I’m being honest. It’s my bubble.

I've had panic attacks and anxiety over this for years and through counseling I found that some is from childhood traumas and it’s my way of protecting me and some of this is just natural. It’s our way of setting a boundary. Boundaries….. something I have a hard time setting!

Do you ever struggle with setting boundaries? I do…for me….I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Sweet? Not really…..See we need to let people KNOW that it’s not ok to guilt trip, to bully, to overpower, to hurt you. I am 42 years old and JUST now this year….set boundaries. I'm a grown up! I'm a big girl! :-)

Seem strange to wait this long? It has never come natural for me. I avoid confrontation like the plague! I don’t like it so at the risk of hurting someone else’s feelings…I allowed people to treat me wrong, whether it was abusive, controlling, guilt trips, disrespect, degrading, or any negative way that hurt me or hurts my kids. No more! I have boundaries!

The purpose of having boundaries is to protect and take care of ourselves.  We need to be able to tell other people when they are acting in ways that are not acceptable to us.  A first step is starting to know that we have a right to protect and defend ourselves.  That we have not only the right, but the duty, to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us.

Say what?? I have the right, the duty, and the responsibility to take care of myself. YES! Woo Hoo! Don’t you think we should’ve known this from the beginning? Some of us have….and those like me that haven’t….have a chance to set that boundary now.

Whether you have a bubble or a boundary. Or if you are blessed like me to have both…:-) Embrace it and take care of it. It’s yours!

Don’t walk away from this blog feeling like it’s all serious and blah. It’s not! It’s exciting!! It’s refreshing! It’s awesome!

We need to love one another, nurture each other, protect each other, and encourage each other.

It all up to us what we allow and what we don’t.  If people around you get upset that you set your boundaries....then they are the ones that you probably needed to set it for the most. 

Galatians 6:5 For each will have to bear his own load. 

Proverbs 22:24 Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you says the Lord and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong! Be courageous! Do not be afraid of them! For the Lord your God will be with you! He will neither leave you nor forsake you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mitochondrial Myopathy Disease.....We need a CURE!

My youngest son has a serious lifelong disease....Mitochondrial Myopathy Disease. Have you ever heard of it? If not, this is the reason for this VERY IMPORTANT blog. We need a cure!

My caboose, my baby, my now almost 15 year old has had a very difficult several years, lots of Drs appointments, tons of testing, he missed a year of school and has been homebound for a year. Some days he can barely get up, loses his vision for 30 minutes at a time, has been passing out randomly for years, and has a hard time just making it through some days. Heartbreaking does not describe the feeling that I feel as well as our family. Spreading the word and telling people about Mitochondrial Disease is so very important to me. Each day is difficult because this is a progressive disease with no cure. Devin's body is trying to produce energy but with the cells dying off, the energy is taken from his fat, at this point...he doesn't have much...then it attacks muscle....once it attacks attacks all vital organs...Please take a moment to learn about this disease so that we can spread the word.....We need a cure!

So let me tell you about the disease...Mitchondrial Disease is a chronic, genetic disorder that occurs when the mitochondria of the cell fails to produce enough energy for cell or organ function. Mitchondria are found in every cell in the body. They are known as the powerhouse of the cell. Like batteries, Mitochondria are responsible for creating more than 90% of cellular energy. They are necessary to sustain life and support growth. When Mitochondrial failure causes cell injury that leads to cell death....the mulitple organ cells die and there is organ failure.

Diseases of the mitochondria appear to cause the most damage to cells of the brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscles, kidney and the endocrine and respiratory systems. Depending on which cells are affected, symptoms may include loss of motor control, muscle weakness and pain, gastro-intestinal disorders and swallowing difficulties, poor growth, cardiac disease, liver disease, diabetes, respiratory complications, seizures, visual/hearing problems, lactic acidosis, developmental delays and susceptibility to infection.

.Mitochondrial disease is unpredictable. Day to day, hour to hour patients can develop symptoms and their stability can be threatened.The prognosis for patients with mitochondrial myopathies varies greatly, depending largely on the type of disease and the degree of involvement of various organs. These disorders cause progressive weakness and can lead to death.

Can you see that this disease needs a lot of attention? We need research, we need a cure! This disease is progressive and there is no cure at this time. As time goes on these children (and some adults) are getting worse. Please help me spread the word.

In September there is a Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week. Although there is not a walk or a Chapter here in New Orleans handling a specific event. I want to make sure that everyone that I know and everyone that I can reach out to knows about this devastating disease that has changed our lives forever.

Please check out the following organizations if you'd like to learn more.

Muscular Dystrophy Association3300 East Sunrise Drive
Tucson, AZ 85718-3208
Tel: 520-529-2000
Fax: 520-529-5300

United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation8085 Saltsburg Road Suite 201
Pittsburgh, PA 15239
Tel: 412-793-8077
Fax: 412-793-6477

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)P.O. Box 1968 (55 Kenosia Avenue)
Danbury, CT 06813-1968
Tel: 203-744-0100
Voice Mail 800-999-NORD (6673)
Fax: 203-798-2291
SOURCE: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Know that I am thankful that you read this. Please help us find a cure by spreading the word about Mito and continue to pray for those suffering with this disease.

God bless,



Friday, July 6, 2012


Such an awesome word, great feeling, and biggest struggle for me. Although I know that there are so many scriptures about peace. Peace be with you, My peace I give to you, He promises peace to His people, Peace....Peace...Peace! It is not always easy for me to feel. During an intimate prayer time last night..God spoke to my heart..."Set your boundaries, Don't feel bad saying No, Trust in Me, Let me carry your burdens, You are not alone." Funny thing is...I was praying for my friends and not even for myself but while I was being still and having an intimate discussion with Him, I was able to hear His voice.

Peace is achievable! Thank you Jesus that through my mess...I have a message!! Keep the prayer requests coming...I'm blessed to pray for you!

Come to Me, My precious, when you feel out of control and overextended. I want to take you to a place where you can be still and reflect on your life. I did not call you to be everything to everyone. You have placed that demand on yourself. Even My son, Jesus, needed to walk away from the demands of the crowd and find comfort alone with Me.

Let's write out what really matters most to you, so we can draw some boundaries to preserve your peace of mind and purpose for living. Even I drew the boundaries around the mighty ocean. It's good to take control of your valuable time and realize it's all right to say No. That one word will deliver you from a life of pressure to a place of amazing control and peace.
Your King who knows your boundaries

"Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil."
~Proverbs 4:26-27