Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Frazzled Mom here....seeking P E A C E!

I read the passage below and had to explain my desire for peace.

It all began several weeks ago. I got into a car accident. All I wanted was a quick bite to eat during lunch and ended up not eating until LATE that night. I was at a red light and someone hit me from behind causing me to hit a truck in front of me. After hours in the hospital and still battling pain from the injury to my lower back....I lost my peace. I kept thinking that if only I waited a few minutes or if this person would've paid attention. I lost my vehicle..going on 3 weeks now. It's been hard to find my PEACE.

A few days later....my son that works 65 hours a week! Hard working young man.....was on his way to work at 5 am and 5 minutes after he left...he called freaking out. A girl ran a stop sign and he couldn't stop fast enough. He totaled his truck and her car. It wasn't his fault just like my accident wasn't my fault but that didn't make us feel any better. His body is still injured and so is his heart. He LOVED his truck. He worked hard for it and wanted to keep it for 10 years. In a moment...he lost it forever. He lost his PEACE. As a mother...I was beyond devastated for my son but so thankful he was alive. In a few days we lost both vehicles. It's been 3 weeks at this point and we are both still injured and we are both still wishing we had our vehicles but we're grateful to be alive! 

Our peace was gone...but only temporarily. We see the blessings that came from this terrible time...we are alive and things can be replaced. Peace was taken but not for long. When you are in the valley...remember the Mountain is ahead. When you are in the darkness...remember that joy comes in the morning. I don't always feel peace...honestly I struggle with it but when we know that God is for us, who can be against us?

I want your mind fixed on Me, My beloved. But I want even more from you. I desire great things for you, so I want you to guard your mind by making an "aware list"-all the things you watch, listen to, and read. Let Me show you the things that can carry you away from your calling and destroy your dedication to Me. Even your thoughts can be held captive by the ways of the world.

I want to protect you, but I will never force you to listen to My Spirit or make your mind dwell on what is true, pure, and right. The choice is yours, My love. You can have an abundant life, a blessed life-a life of influence for others to follow; or you can join the way of the world. I, your God, am asking you today to let your mind dwell on Me, and you will discover the kind of life you long to enjoy not only now, but forever.


Your King and your Peace of Mind