Saturday, September 16, 2006

Living for Him

Wow! It seems like forever since I've written but soooo glad and relieved to be on here doing this.  I do not have internet yet at home but praying to have it soon so I can do my ministry work!!  I'll write later about what's going on in my life but I want to say THANK YOU for all of the encouraging emails and awesome comments.  God is GOOD! He has given me such wonderful Christian friends!  Praise Him for that! 
I have had many people ask...How do I stay soooo strong during all of this???   Well, I am not a superwoman with all kinds of extra powers or something...LOL  I trust in the Lord!  He's my rock, My strength, my EVERYTHING!  I get down like we all do but I continue to praise Him for all He has done.  He has saved me!!!!  How can I let everything else around me get to me when I KNOW that I have eternity with Him.  This is only temporary!!  Don't get so wrapped up in your day to day life that you push Him away....The LORD is FIRST and the MOST important one to be focused on...and He loves you soooooo much!  My friend just wrote today about being ready for Jesus when He returns....Are you?   I am!!   I can't wait to see His precious face...HOWEVER until that glorious day comes... I PRAY!!!!!!!!
How do you pray?  I have always wondered if I say the right things?  Do I sound silly?  Why don't I sound like some of the people at church?  Do you ever think that too?   Well,  I may not sound like the pastor's wife but I do know one thing for sure.  He LOVES to hear my voice..He is the ONLY one that appreciates my singing  LOL  But He gets so excited that I give Him sooo much attention everyday (kinda like my puppy Koby does when I get home! Image)  THAT is why our relationship is soooo strong.  I am in LOVE with Him and my walk is the MOST important thing...Going out of my way daily to please Him.   I pray with a purpose!!!  Woo Hoo!
This is the reason why I stay strong during these storms in my life!!   I adore Him!  and, I PRAY!
Praise Him for all He does....Ask the Lord for the desires of your heart...Confess your sins or your struggles...and Trust that He's there with you!!
Your sister in Christ,