The Lord really spoke to me alot today about being a
Christ-Like! He
told me that although we live in a world of sin that He uses us (Christians) to
help lead the worldly people to Him. If God didn't use people to help save
others then there just may be a good possibility that WE wouldn't be where we
are today.

What are you doing?
Are you an active
Christian? I know for me, I have to stay in His word for me to stay obedient
but I also have to share my testimony and my walk with Him with others because
it also helps me grow. Praise God!!!!!

Let's step up and get in the world!! Reach out
to others!!! Shout the truth and bring light into a dark world!! 

He has called us to be witnesses!!!! Do you
preach His word but then act in a different manner when others aren't watching?
HE does know your heart
and sees your
actions even when others don't!! 

So What are YOU doing?????
Much love to
you ALL 

Your sister in Christ